Affordable Counselling Services in London - Get the Help You Need

Are you looking for affordable counselling services in London? At The Awareness Centre, we offer low-cost therapy, perfect for those who receive benefits or have a low income. Our therapists provide short-term and long-term counselling, psychotherapy, and counseling psychology, as well as psychosexual and couples therapy for individuals and couples. Ongoing talk therapy (counselling and psychotherapy) can be expensive and out of reach for people with a low income. If you're looking for a way to get the help you need without breaking the bank, there are several options available.

The Free Psychotherapy Network is a great option for those who need decent and ongoing psychological therapies. However, there are other ways to find affordable therapy if you're willing to do some research and wait on a waiting list. Here is a list of some of the London-based counselling organisations that offer free or low-cost counselling and some local specialist services in the area. The Awareness Centre is one of the leading providers of low-cost counselling services in London. We offer short-term and long-term counselling, psychotherapy, and counseling psychology, as well as psychosexual and couples therapy for individuals and couples.

Our therapists are highly experienced and qualified professionals who are dedicated to helping people get the help they need. We understand that not everyone can afford expensive therapy, so we strive to make our services as affordable as possible. If you're looking for free or low-cost counselling services in London, there are several organisations that offer these services. There are also several local specialist services in the area that offer free or low-cost counselling. Please note that if you are currently training to be a counsellor, counsellor psychologist, or psychotherapist, you will not be able to access TAC's low-cost counselling service.

Arlene Manton
Arlene Manton

Amateur twitter practitioner. Infuriatingly humble coffee lover. Incurable beer aficionado. Unapologetic coffee enthusiast. Incurable web lover. Unapologetic food maven.